
Blog categorized as Treatments

Management of headaches while fasting
Dr Elliot Shevel the chairman of the South African Headache Society is that you can often manage these headaches without breaking your fast. read this blog to find out how.
Ideal driving position
Read this blog for quick tips and tricks on how to cure your headaches by correcting your driving posture.
Neck Stretching Can Treat Headaches
By simply doing some physiotherapy exercises at the office or in the comfort of your own home, you can treat your own headaches, says Shevel.
New ways to end the misery of migraine
A new understanding about one of the most common causes of pain had led to new approaches in treatment.
Get rid of your health niggles today
In order to understand headaches, you need to understand the difference between what triggers and what causes them. Read this blog to find out more.
