i have a headache

Blog tagged as i have a headache

My kop klop 
Read this article to learn more about general headaches, stress related headaches, migraines, hormonal headaches, cluster headaches and painkiller related headaches.​
Headache causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
In this morning Live Interview with Dr Shevel from the Migraine and Headache Treatment Institute, you will learn all about headache and migraine causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for migraines and headaches.
Classification of migraines 
Dr Elliot Shevel won a debate by proving that the current classification of migraines was based on opinions of a small group of neurologists and not on data. Watch this video to find out more.
Migraine Awareness
Dr. Elliot Shevel discusses migraines, causes, triggers and how developed The Headache Clinic is compared to the rest of the world. Watch this video to find out more.
Bonitas House Call Headache Clip 
Dr Elliot Shevel describes the different types of headaches and migraines in this video clip, watch to find out what they are.
