cluster headaches

Blog tagged as cluster headaches

A ray of hope
The Layman is often bombarded with information about series diseases that pose a serious threat to his our her threat. Read the article to find out more.
Never Have A Headache Again
Never Have A Headache Again You don’t have to live with your…. Read more on the article by Elizabeth Atmore from FairLady Magazine.
Effective treatment of migraines and headaches
Dr. Elliot Shevel is South Africa's migraine surgery pioneer and Chairman of the International Headache Society's SA branch. We've spoken to him several times here on Morning Live and every time we get a huge response.
Hope for cluster headache sufferers
Worse than childbirth, worse than accidental amputation. A pain so acute, old medical books referred to the condition as the “suicide headache” because it was not uncommon that cluster headache sufferers would take their lives to escape it.
Ofm Headache articles
Headaches come in many forms and intensities, so the correct diagnosis is the first step towards effective treatment
